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Change Personal Information for Customers and Guests

If a change is needed for email address or phone number:

  1. Log in to the Amway website and click on the drop-down by your name > My Account > Personal Information.
  2. Click Edit and make the change(s).
  3. Click Save to save the change(s).

Please Note: If you do not share your personal information, then you will appear in the IBO’s Customer List as a "Confidential User."

You can update this setting by logging on to the AmwayTM website, visit here, and mark the box next to "Share personal information with my IBO."

Also, if you are a Preferred Customer, you may have a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). TIN is not editable.

Updating Name

Name Changes: For updates to your name, please contactCustomer.Service@amway.com for assistance. Please include your full name as it currently appears and your full updated name.

Updating Birth Date

To update your Date of Birth, email bcr@amway.com. Please include the date of birth as it currently appears in your account along with the updated information. This will be updated within five business days. NOTE: Birth Date is not a required field.